Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm an Adult?

I have been having alot different thoughts on change since my 27th birthday. It's as if that particular day was a turning point in my life.

When do you finally become an adult?

I've always joked about my age. At some point, I'd reveal it, but for the most part if it was asked, the answer would be somewhere between 22 & 24, lol. Addmition is truth. Who wants to reveal that your creeping up on 30?
Well, now...I DO! I'm not there yet, but I will be in a few short years. So, what do I do?

At this moment, it's all about preparation. I want to be prepared for anything and everything, whatever that may be. I am not going to deny my true feelings and aspirations any longer. I want a career with flexibility, benefits, and GINORMOUS INCOME! I want a new car and a house. I want to start a family, my own family. Some may think that I'm going along with what society has fed me, but I'm not. These are things that have always been me. I've hidden them in efforts to avoid confrontation and rejection. But, at 27, I don't care what anyone thinks of me or my personal blueprint.

So...When do you become an adult?

I don't really know. But I know that somewhere between birth and 1/15/2007 it happened to me. And along with being an adult comes a great amount of responsibility, and the longing for purpose.
From this point forward, who ever enters my life will be sketched into my blueprint lightly with a pencil, allowing them to be erased at anytime, but most importantly giving me the confidence to reveal my intention on living my life, and giving them the option to accept or deny my blueprint as I designed it.

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