For the last few days I've had a severe case of insomnia. I'm tired, dressed for bed, in bed, lights out, under the covers, but can't fall asleep. What's the deal?
Over the last couple of nights I've been using EVERY search engine there is. What have I come up with....a lot of friends that I thought I'd never find again. From Georgia to California...AMAZING!!!
I can't go on like this! I have no one else to search for. What do I do now? I'm up to date on everyone's blog, comments, e-mails, voicemails, texts, instant messages.....there's nothing left. If I start reading another book I'll never go to sleep. I have nothing else to count...this is horrible!!!
1 Other Thoughts:
Try counting backwards from 100. If you reach 1, then you're really a weirdo, like I am.
Ok, hmmm what can you do?
Well, i've tried warm soy milk, lavender oil drops on my pillow, lavender incense and a lavender eye pillow.
I've also tried music - thunder, running water, and classical music.
They all work at different times, You're gonna have to find your own combo.
So, what's on your mind?
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