Sunday, November 05, 2006

Who is it really?

I went to church being Sunday.....nothing special as of yet, however....have you ever noticed how moody a person can be, for no apparent reason? I noticed today how a person not doing what they said they are going to do, how being in car service and the person driving 5 miles below the speed limit....when the speed limit is 45, or even when I get to church, how after service I'm trying to get upstairs to the restaurant and there are so many people standing in the walk way....NOT MOVING, JUST STANDING THERE LOITERING...can really bother me and take me to a really ugly, moody place. I used to think that it was me. Even today, right now, I'm thinking that it's me. But is it? I mean if you say your gonna do some thing, NIKE....just do it!! Why on God's earth would a person drive below the speed limit, not even bothering to do the actual speed limit. I think that they do it to irk me. Do they know that police give tickets for driving too slow, as in driving under the speed limit? Or how about standing in the middle of a walk way that is only big enough for 2 people to walk side by side. And if you are over weight, then you have to wait until others pass by because you both can't fit. In knowing this, why do people still insist on blocking the walk way?

I had a conversation with a friend of mine who says that everyone has a problem with the way he thinks or expresses himself. I told him that it's not what he's saying, it's the way he's saying it. But after today, I'm starting to think that it may not be him that has a problem.

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