Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Consider this

Consider this...
Consider your life,
Consider The Present,
Consider The Past,
Consider The Future,
Consider YOUR Purpose.
Consider this...
Consider me,
Consider My Present,
Consider My Past,
Consider My Future,
Consider My Purpose.
Consider this...
Consider us,
Consider Our Present,
Consider Our Past,
Consider Our Future,
Consider OUR Purpose.
Consider this...
Consider my love for you,
and hopefully your love for me,
Consider the days moving fast,
and the years moving faster,
Consider nature,
and the fact that we may not have much longer,
Consider this...
Consider you are hungry,
I make sure you are fed,
Consider you are sad,
I make you smile,
Consider you struggling,
I take the load off your back,
if not, I help you carry.
Consider this...

Take a moment to think about it.......To be continued........

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