Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Learning from past mistakes

It's Tuesday night, and I'm so tired. Tired from lack of sleep, and from the everyday bullshit that people have been feeding me. Did I not learn from the last arguement? That last relationship? That huge mistake after that drunken night, that landed you (you, not me, I don't have that problem)? After the lies, deception, and of course the bullshit, you can finally find one person that you can trust. That person is you....then why do I still doubt and second guess myself?

I've been second guessing alot of decisions that I've made in both my personal and professional life. But why? I know what I should be doing, and where I should be going. That damn voice keeps talking to me. It says go left instead of right, or up instead of down. While there may not be any regrets, I so wish I would have listened to my initial gut instinct. Anyway....enough about me for a sec, guess what?!?!!?..............

My Jo Jo just took her state exam for esthetics, and she said she murdered it! Yeah Jo Jo!!!! I'm so proud of you!!! I see big things, ginormous things for your future!


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