ATL Shawdy!
Getting myself ready. I'm taking a ride down to Atlanta, Georgia this coming weekend. I haven't even been paying attention to the fact that I'll be leaving in a few days. Hmmmmm, maybe it's a good idea for me to get started on packing. We'll see..... I'm starting to get excited, and even more starting to wonder what's holding me back from moving. I already know that New York is sooooooo not the state for me. The other half of my family is there, one of my best friends, my baby girl Harmony, and a better quality of life. I love my family here, and wonder how I'd live without them, but I know that I'd come back and visit at least one weekend each month. But what about my other friends, Natasha...I know she wants to get out of here, but can I really drag her down with me? Yeah, I could, lol, but that's me being selfish. And Otion....He just got into the FDNY, so I'm sure he's not going anywhere, although I know he'd come and visit. Then I'd have to worry about telling the love of my life, he may not be so thrilled. Telling any person in my life is not the issue...going through with it is. What now? Guess we shall see, I just may stay there.
1 Other Thoughts:
Not one of the best friends, the BEST friend....13 years better earn me something. Or I'm gonna have to start rethinking your position missy.
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