I've had 3 BFF's in my life. I miss them!!!
One moved to North Carolina, & purchased a house. I'M SO VERY PROUD OF HER!!! Last year we reconnected, and I'm thankful that we did. When we were in high school, in NYC, we were one & the same. You saw one, you saw the other. But, there came a time when things happened, & I knew me...I had to distance myself from her & our relationship. I was unable to not judge...& that isn't healthy in any relationship!!! I needed time to think & to grow! I NEEDED TO GROW UP & LEARN HOW TO HANDLE SITUATIONS LIKE THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR!
Now, I have MY SHAWNTE' back!!! We picked right back up! And, I am so proud of her & her growth!! LOVE YOU LADY!!!
Another, I was friends with since I was 13 years old...give or take a year. Her & her mother took care of me like I WAS FAMILY! She was my sister, & Mommie was MY Mommie. We took care of each other accordingly. I'll always remember when we first met. I think I was 13 years old. For some odd reason, even though we didn't "really" know each other, we couldn't stand each other. We actually put our energy into getting each other in trouble, trying to get each other suspended, & making other people hate one another. And then, somehow, we became BFF's!! It just happened! We've always had a bumpy relationship...I mean, we both wanted our own way, so we had to compromise our beliefs a lot. I had to be VERY UNDERSTANDING & PATIENT! I was a part of my growth, I guess. I have not seen or heard from her in about 2 years. We got into a fight over a mutual friend, & a few lies that were told to me. She told me to never text/call again.
Not that I am condoning any of the actions that were made 2 years ago, but, I MISS YOU MY JO JO!!!! I'LL ALWAYS LOVE MY SISTER!!
My most recent "new" BFF...well, what can I possibly say about this one, lol!!??? Well, we met when we were both working for PSSC, in Brooklyn, New York. She did sales & I did collections, then was the general manager. We didn't "click" initially. We were there to do make money! That was our main priority! I'm not exactly sure how we became as close as we were. But, all of a sudden, we were one & the, I see the pattern. We've been through A LOT TOGETHER!!! I MEAN..A LOT!!!
She moved, out of state, a few months ago. She even got married! We still chat, instant/text messaging has been a savior for us, lol! We even keep up with each other through our blogs. But, it's just not the same!
I'm very proud of you MY N'TASHA!!! But, I miss you something awful!!! I still have to explain the importance of Cake Man Raven to people! ONLY YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND THAT!!!
And by the way, if you haven't noticed, I placed the word "MY" in front of their names...I didn't on purpose....THEY ARE MINE'S!!! I DON'T SHARE MY BFF'S!!! GET YOUR OWN!!! :-p
1 Other Thoughts:
Just saw this post, ironically after sending you, a long lost email. Funny how there are no accidents.
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