Another Survey???....Geez!!!
I took this from my JoJo's blog. I thought there may be a few people interested in some extra's. Maybe this will help you understand the way my mind calculates things...or maybe not. If nothing else, you'll get to know me a little better. ;-)
Just Read It....
1. How tall are you barefoot? 5 feet 7 inches
2. Have you ever flown first-class? Yes
3. One of your favorite books when you were a child? One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, and Danny and the Dinosaur
4. A good restaurant in your city? P.F. Changs (the only place I will eat beef)
5. What is your favorite small appliance? Ipod (when it works)
6. One person that never fails to make you laugh? Natasha (that chick is stupid funny)
7. What’s your favorite Christmas song? This Christmas by The Whispers, and Let It Snow by Boyz II Men
8. What was the first music that you ever bought? I can't remember the first music, but I know my first cd, it was Paula Abdul, Spellbound.
9. Do you do push-ups? Uhhh, Sure......yeah, right, lol, for what??? So I can sweat? Nope, not gonna mess up my hair for that!
10. What was one of your favorite games as a child? Duck Duck Goose, I still get a kick out of it!
11. What is the one thing that you cook that always receives compliments? So you think your funny?!?! You tryna play me?!?
12. When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? A Choreographer, I was gonna be like Paula Abdul.
13. Your favorite Soup of the Day? Ewwww, soup? I don't eat that mess!
14. What in your life are you most grateful for? My family & my friends...I TREASURE THEM!!!!
15. Have you ever met someone famous? Yup Yup
16. Date Of Birth? December 6, 1979...4 days away!!!
17. Top 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I need to relax....I'm not done with this post yet?.....Relax Amber! Just Relax!!!
18. Three people you're thinking about right now: Me, George, & Natasha and her hair
19. Name five drinks you regularly drink: Vitamin Water Fruit Punch, Smart Water, Welch's Grape Juice, Tropicana Orange Juice (no pulp please), Coca-Cola (bad habit I'm trying to get rid of)
20. From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news? CNN or The New York Times
21. Current hair? VERY VERY BLONDE, I recolored my hair a couple of days ago...Maybe I went a little overboard, but it's growing on me.
22. Current worry? Getting through the next couple of days
23. Current hate? I hate hating.
24. Favorite place to be? At my church, CCC, in the arms of someone I love, in the same room with my sister Ashley and my brother Ramel....all 3 of us in one room...YOU WILL PEE YOUR PANTS!!!
25. Least favorite place to be? Anywhere there is fake people
26. Do you consider yourself well organized? Now I am, it wasn't always this way. I was 80%, now I'm 98%!
27. Do you believe in an afterlife? It depends on what exactly your definition afterlife is.
28. Where do you think you will be in 10 years? Wherever God wants me to be!!!
29. Do you burn or tan? Tan, although I haven't done so in a minute.
30. Who was the last blogger you hung out with? Alysia
31. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about the futuTure? Optimistic Pessimist (hey, I my very first post was on this subject)
32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink? Wednesday afternoon
33. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower. Should I?
34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a kid? You name it, I was afraid of it! No light = Amber fear.
35. What’s in your pockets right now? Nothing, I don't put anything in my pockets.
36. Last thing that made you laugh? Natasha made me laugh the other day. She kept reminding me that "Turd's get flushed". You have to know her to understand. And there is a movie coming out called Night at the Museum. There is a part in the movie with Ben Stiller and a monkey slapping each other, lmbo, PRICELESS!!!
37. Best bed sheets you had as a child? I dunno!!!
38. Worst injury you’ve ever had? All of them that still aile(sp) me today.
39. Favorite song? I have no one favorite at the moment.
40. How many TVs do you own? One, and that's because it was a gift. Otherwise it would be none.
41. In the last calendar year, how many people have you told that you love them? 14? I think it's more, I try to make sure that the people I love always remember that I love them!
42. Last person that made you blush? Lol, had to be there!
43. Best compliment received? I'm thinking, but the jury is still out on "the best". I'll get back to you on that.
44. What song is in your head? The one that's playing on my itunes...Head Gone/Wine Up Uh Self by Elephant Man...I know that's hard to beleive, but I swear it's true.
45. What is your favorite book? Tooooo many great books to choose one.
46. Last meal you cooked for the opposite sex? Fried chicken breast, rice and pigeon peas, and corn on the cob
47. What songs do you want played at your wedding? In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins, and Moments in Love by The Art of Noise
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? Heaven by Mary Mary
49. What were you doing at 12 midnight last night? On the phone with my mother, then spoke to Alysia
50. What would you like to accomplish with the remaining years of your life? Peace and happiness with my own family and my friends
Wow!! That was a whole lot!!! You better read this and appreciate it!!! Much Love!! :) -AAB
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