Friday, November 10, 2006

Mush for Brains

On Sunday Pastor explained how we can go through life “chasing donkeys”. I love when I go into church and listen to the sermon, understand what he saying but not know exactly how this pertains to me and my life…..until a few days later. While there are some times we choose to stop chasing donkeys, for the most part we are forced to stop. That very thing happened to me. Well, sort of. I’ve decided to go with what my heart and God is telling me. It’s time to change careers. I’m done chasing donkeys! I am smarter than I let on, and my passion is so much greater. Ever been in a place where you felt like you were stuck in lunch box mode? Or, here’s one better, you ever feel like your brain is turning into mush because you rarely use it, and you have problems spelling simple, everyday 4 or 5 letter words? Well, for the last few years that’s how I’ve felt. It’s no one’s fault but my own really. I fell into something that I know how to do very well, and never left. I allowed myself to stay because it was safe. Now, I am getting rid of the safety net. I am going to pass the donkey baton to someone who needs the experience, while I go for mine. Pay Attention…It’s about to get real serious!!

1 Other Thoughts:

MadisonMalone said...

Pushing ourselves to live up to ourselves, can be an arduous task. I'm very proud of you, and I know you will be great.