Friday, October 20, 2006


For my baby brother (Ramel, 23) & baby sister (Ashley, 20)....

I went to visit my brother, sister, dad, and my Harmony this past weekend. It was a trip that was so worth having, and very memorable! Nothing out of the ordinary happened, but I just LOVE hanging out with them. They make me laugh even when I'm feeling blue. I know that you may beg to differ, but I have THE BEST BROTHER AND SISTER IN THE WORLD!!! If you are ever blessed to be in the presence of Ashley, Ramel, and would know exactly what I am talking about. You can feel the love and warmth in the air. I can't believe how much they've grown. It's hard for me to see them as anything but my babies.

I thank the Lord everyday for the both of you! I am so blessed to be your big sister! Love you!!!


1 Other Thoughts:

Natasha A. Pierre said...

How lucky are you!!!!!!

1 awesome sister
1 awesome brother
1 awesome best friend -girl
1 awesome best friend -boy
1 awesome baby doggy

Dude, you ROCK!