After flipping out on FedEx over the last week, today is FINALLY FRIDAY! While this may not mean a lot to some, it means a lot to me. It means a time to rest. I know I'll be running around this weekend & I may not get my hair done, but I know 2 things are for sure....I will get rest, & will be going to church. The only thing to stop me will be the Devil himself! You may be curious as to why I've been flipping out on FedEx for the last week, well, I'll save that for the next post dedicated to the company. It won't be good! Here's another post to look out for.... I'm cooking this weekend :-0, lmbo! I'll let you know how it works out.
1 Other Thoughts:
Youa re so violating the Amber and Natasha "No Cooking" Agreement.
I like you, Amber, but I'm gonna have to report you.
Are you kidding me?
It better have been chicken, and the person hella worthy!
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