Wednesday, December 26, 2007


One of the things that I dread about taking trips, outside of the airport security, is packing/unpacking. Whether it is leaving to go somewhere, or coming home and having to remove the items from your suitcases, the whole thing is dreadful! What's worse than that is I think that everyone's suitcases looks exactly like mine. So, when I get to baggage claim, it takes me forever to find my suitcase because they all look alike. I've been thinking of getting entire new luggage set, maybe a Samsonite set that isn't black...maybe tan, so that it'll be easier to claim. It won't help the packing and unpacking process to be any less stressful, but it'll give me a small piece of mind when I'm at the airport.

1 Other Thoughts:

Setta B. said...

I hate packing. Unpacking is so much easier. I usually wash clothes wherever I go. I guilt into letting me use their washer and dryer by telling them how difficult it is to wash clothes in New York. ;) So I can put things right into drawers or into the closet the second I get home. Try that next time. It might be a little easier.