Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My Consistency...

Has been the worst! I know! No need for the lecture! I’ve been getting enough of it via email. And, what makes it worse is that it’s not just this blog I’ve been neglecting, it’s all of them. At least I’m not being prejudice. My reasoning sucks butt, but I’ll explain anyway. I have decided to take my mind into my own hands, literally. I have formed my own version of drug rehab. No, I am not an addict, but if you read my other blog, Inside of Me…Under Construction, you probably understand what I’m trying to say. I’m off my meds, and I’m not getting any better. So, should I go back on it? Hmmm….I don’t know. At the very least, I’m going back to taking my sleeping pills. Having insomnia sucks!

1 Other Thoughts:

Setta B. said...

Girl! All of us have that problem. Don't sweat the blog consistency. Take care of yourself though. That is what is most important.